Learning, Sharing & Giving Back.


Learning shouldn't end when you leave school. Valuing a learn-it-all culture over a know-it-all culture helps everyone to grow personally and professionally.

Learn booksKid learning a book

By making learning more accessible to all people, anyone can develop a growth mindset
– Anywhere, anytime.

87,246 hours

invested in learning by our team in the last year – the equivalent of over 3,635 days, or 10 years.


Sharing helps us all to connect. We share moments, experiences, and interactions with each other every day.

By leveraging a shared support team, you can tap into experience and availability 24/7, Anywhere.

Mother sharing a book with her kid 2Aesthetic arc

When we work together to share and connect, we use fewer resources, work is more efficient, and our planet is better off.

Giving Back.

Giving Back is the final step in a continuous journey of Learning and Sharing.

With your support, we are able to give back by planting a tree for every customer every month through our 1 Tree, 1 Planet Initiative.

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1,160 hours volunteeringby our team in the last year.

Planting a tree 1
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Planting a tree 2

Working together and making a difference, from Anywhere.

No one is too small to make a difference


Carol Dweck

Our success is not shaped only by our talents or natural ability, but by our mindset. Personally or professionally, we have the power to make change happen.

AnswerConnect customers have helped us plant

01,070100,030809 trees!Grow with us >