Effective communication is key to the success of any business. Efficient management of customer inquiries, complaints, support, and transactions is critical for your reputation and bottom line. Thanks to technology, businesses now have many ways to manage customer interactions. AI-powered answering services and real human answering services are just two of the options available. But which is best for your business? 

When it comes to AI vs real answering services, the cost-effectiveness of AI should be weighed against the personal touch provided by human agents.

Advantages of AI answering services

The advantages of AI answering services, such as cost-savings and around-the-clock availability, make it an appealing choice for businesses looking to streamline operations.

1.    24/7 availability

One of the primary benefits of AI answering services is their ability to operate at all times of the day. AI systems also do not need breaks, sleep, or vacations. This means your business can provide customer support and handle inquiries at any time, day or night, ensuring that no call goes unanswered. However, it’s also important to note that our human answering services are available 24/7, providing continuous support and a personal human touch.

2.    Cost-effective

AI answering services may be less expensive than hiring and paying a team of receptionists: there are no salaries, benefits, or overtime pay to worry about. This could be helpful for businesses with thin budgets. Similarly, our human answering services are also designed to be cost-effective. They provide high-quality support without the financial costs of managing an in-house team.

3.    Scalability

Large volumes of inbound calls and messages can easily be handled without additional resources. An AI answering service scales with your business, whether you experience seasonal fluctuations or rapid growth. Similarly, our human answering services are fully scalable – accommodating your business’ growth and call volumes, seamlessly.

women wearing a headset and writing

4.    Consistency

The responses from AI answering services are standardized, and follow the same scripts each time. This ensures every customer receives consistent service. It prevents the company from appearing unprofessional due to varying levels of training and attention from human employees. Our human answering services also prioritize consistency, with well-trained staff delivering a professional customer experience every time. 

5.    Data collection and analysis

AI systems collect and analyze data from customer interactions, revealing usage patterns, preferences, and problems encountered. This information can be used to improve products and services, as well as ensure that customers experience the best possible service.

6.    Reduced human error

AI answering services eliminate the possibility of human error, which can lead to miscommunication. The automated system is equipped with a set of predefined protocols and scripts to avoid human-induced errors.

finger typing on the keyboard

Disadvantages of AI answering services

Despite their advantages, answering services have disadvantages, including a lack of personal touch and challenges in handling complex queries.

1.    Lack of personal touch

The most significant disadvantage to using AI answering services is that they lack the human touch. Automated systems process queries and tasks efficiently, but lack the warmth, empathy, and subtle awareness of a human. To better understand the differences between real receptionists and AI answering systems, read our comprehensive comparison of real receptionists vs. bots.

2.    Complex queries

Most AI systems handle a wide range of natural language queries, but some questions are too complex or ambiguous for them to interpret successfully. If a customer has a rare problem or a complex inquiry, an automated response might be frustrating and unhelpful, potentially leading to dissatisfaction with the service.

worried man looking in his laptop

3.    Implementation costs

Setting up an AI answering service may involve significant upfront costs to get it right. The business must purchase software and hardware, and possibly invest in custom development to integrate the system with its existing architecture.

4.    Limited understanding of context and dependence on data quality

The effectiveness of AI answering services is heavily dependent on the quality and specificity of data they are trained on. If data is poor, insufficient, or not fine-tuned to the context of the customer’s question, the system may provide irrelevant or incorrect responses. This can be problematic in context-specific industries where detailed answers are essential.

5. Difficulty in building trust

Customers may be reluctant to interact with a machine, especially if in relation to a sensitive or personal matter. In fact, according to the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), 57% of consumers worldwide believe that AI is a major threat to their privacy. So, trusting an AI answering machine service might be difficult, which can affect customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

The advantages of real answering services

Real answering services offer significant advantages over AI solutions, including a personal touch and the ability to handle complex customer interactions effectively.

1.    Human touch

Human answering services provide a warmth and personal touch that AI cannot. A receptionist can engage in natural and empathetic conversation with callers and make them feel heard and appreciated. A human touch makes customers feel valued, which may result in more customer satisfaction and loyalty. For a deeper look into why real receptionists are preferable over AI solutions, check out our in pledge people, not bots campaign.

women smiling and talking in the phone

2.    Adaptability

Human agents can easily adapt to various situations and handle unexpected issues. They can think on their feet, provide creative solutions, and go off-script when necessary, offering a level of flexibility that AI systems lack.

3.    Brand representation

Your brand values and culture can be reflected in and represented by human receptionists. They can be consistently authentic in their interactions with customers and clients. This can help your brand develop a strong and positive image.

4.    Empathy and compassion

Human agents can express empathy and compassion, which are important in handling sensitive or emotionally charged situations. They can listen actively, understand customer concerns, and provide reassurance, fostering a sense of trust and connection.

women discussing about a project with a man

5.    Problem-solving skills

A human receptionist is a problem-solver, someone who can juggle complex issues and devise workable solutions. Receptionists who think outside the box and practice preventive problem-solving will improve the customer experience.

6.    Building customer relationships

Human answering services are particularly good for cultivating long-term relationships with customers. As customers repeatedly engage with the same receptionist or group of receptionists over time, they feel a sense of recognition. As a result, they begin to trust the business and feel like they know the team. 

The challenges of real answering services

Like any team, real answering services will run into challenges at times. However, they can be a great way to avoid common challenges faced by in-house receptionist teams.

worried man looking in his phone

1.    Managing costs

Employing and maintaining a group of human receptionists is costly. Salaries, benefits, training costs, and overhead expenses can quickly add up to a point where some companies find it unfeasible. However, a virtual answering service like AnswerConnect offers lower costs than hiring in-house. This eliminates the needs for salaries and benefits while providing high-quality support. 

2.    Staff shortage and retention

It can be hard to find and maintain good receptionists.. High turnover can disrupt quality and consistency of service staffing shortages can lead to longer wait times and lower levels of customer satisfaction. AnswerConnect handles all staffing issues, providing you a reliable team of receptionists without the stress of managing turnover and retention.

3.    Technological integration

Integrating human answering services with the latest technology is challenging. Ensuring receptionists have the right tools and information to do their jobs effectively requires dedication and investment. AnswerConnect integrates with your existing workflow and technology, ensuring that receptionists have what they need to provide excellent service.

4.    Inconsistent performance

Human performance can vary due to factors such as mood, fatigue, and personal circumstances. This inconsistency can affect the quality of customer interactions and lead to varying levels of service. At AnswerConnect, our receptionists are trained to maintain consistent quality and performance to meet your business’ standards.

5.    Poor communication skills

Not all receptionists have strong communication skills. Poorly trained or inexperienced receptionists may struggle to convey information clearly, leading to misunderstandings and frustration for customers. AnswerConnect ensures that our receptionists are well-trained in effective communication, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and improving customer satisfaction. 

6.    Training and skill maintenance

Continuous training and skill development are essential for maintaining high service standards. Businesses should commit time and money for training programs to keep their receptionists current with latest practices and technology. AnswerConnect manages all training and skill development, so our receptionists are always up-to-date and well-equipped to handle customer interactions.

Conclusion: real answering services as the optimal choice

Understanding the differences in performance and customer experience can help you choose the right solution for your business, whether you prefer AI vs real answering services. While AI answering services have many advantages, they fall short in empathy, personalization, and adaptability compared to real answering services. At the same time, real answering services build stronger relationships and trust with customers, which is key for retaining them. Learn more about integrating human customer service with AI and the benefits of combining both approaches in our guide on human customer service and AI.

For businesses that focus on customer satisfaction and want to create lasting relationships with their clients, the best solution is real answering services. They offer the human touch, problem-solving skills, and ability to represent your brand in a natural, authentic way.