Medical Supplies Answering Service.
Boost sales 24/7/365
Plans & PricingBoost sales 24/7/365
Plans & PricingIntegration
trees planted
Our aim is to help your medical supplies business grow. When you miss calls because they come in after hours, you're leaving money on the table. When you don't have a chat support option on your website to answer questions, people will abandon their shopping carts when they get stuck. Whether you sell diagnostic equipment, durable medical equipment, surgical supplies, or another category, a 24-hour answering service for your medical supplies business helps you capture more leads and your customers complete more orders.
When you're selling products online, having 24-hour customer support is a must. We help your customers navigate your product line and answer basic questions for them. When they need expert advice, we take a message for your sales team or transfer the call to you.
With a lead qualification script you help design, we figure out whether your callers are likely to buy. Our virtual receptionists pass the hottest leads on to your sales team. Meanwhile, you don't have to waste time with wrong numbers or people who are just looking for some other kind of product.
Make it easy for your customers to reach you. No one wants to leave a voicemail and hope for a response. Instead, our virtual receptionists give you a friendly, professional voice on the line, 24/7/365. We deliver your messages by email, chat, or through your online portal.
An answering service for your medical supplies business helps route your calls to the right person or department. Sales, support, HR, or whatever the situation calls for. We make sure your callers reach the right person quickly.
Our custom Client Web Access online portal gives you real-time call data whenever you need it. Plus, you can get your messages, adjust your script, or pay your bills online at any time. You're in control of your AnswerConnect account with CWA.
Work doesn't just happen at the office these days. When you're on the road, making an on-site sales visit, or wherever you happen to be, our mobile apps for iOS and Android ensure you're never cut off from your business.
With an answering service, your customers will be able to reach your medical supplies business day or night, by phone or web chat. If they have simple questions, our virtual receptionists can answer them. When they need more detailed information only your expert staff can provide, we'll handle the call according to your instructions. We can take a message for your sales team, or patch the call through to your technicians. You choose the call flow that's right for your business, and we help you remove obstacles to placing the next order.
Clients turn to us when they recognize that staffing an in-house receptionist 24 hours a day isn't cost-effective. We can extend your hours by picking up the phones when your team goes home for the evening, for weekends, or for holidays. Or, we can become your instant customer service department, taking your calls, emails, and chats 24/7/365. Either way, we help you capture more leads and make more sales. These extra sales can easily pay for your answering service plan, leaving you with a positive ROI and more happy customers.
Our answering service gives you the real-time data you need to make the right decisions for your medical supplies business. Your usage and average call duration is tracked live on your dashboard in Client Web Access, your online account portal. You can also get the same data through our mobile apps for iOS and Android. And with integrations, you can push your call data to Salesforce or another CRM automatically.
Our virtual receptionists are an extension of your business. They use your script, speak your language, and understand your business goals, to give callers consistently on-brand service.
Tell us about your business, your customers, and your goals. We work with you to create call flows to give your clients the best experience.
Our friendly receptionists engage and interact with your leads and customers, 24/7.
See details of your interactions via our app, SMS, or email.
Be there for your prospective customers. Anywhere, anytime.
Never miss an opportunity
when clients call.
Win more business with real people, not automated voices.
Work from home, your office,
or Anywhere.
We recognize your returning callers for a personalized experience.
Busy? Have an important meeting? We’ve got you covered.
These are the core values of AnswerConnect. Here is a book we think you might like.
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