The idea of ‘time-off’ sounds great. But for business owners, it can often feel impossible. Our time after hours is taken up by answering the days messages. In this article, discover how after hours answering virtual receptionists can help you switch off from business mode.
Work can be consuming. It can take up all our energy, and not to mention, time. After a long day at work, you deserve to embrace your ‘you’ time. We all deserve time to ourselves. Whether it be putting our feet up to relax, going for a gym session, or spending quality time with our loved ones.
But how can we clock ourselves out, when we know there’s a number of missed calls piling up on our phone?
When it comes to conversion, responding to customers within five minutes is 21x more effective than responding after 30 minutes. The quicker you reply, the more likely you are to seize the opportunity. So for the sake of our business, and keeping our customer relationships strong – we sacrifice our after hours time.
How can a team of after hours virtual receptionists help me clock out after hours?

Hiring a secretary will help you manage calls and capture new leads; until their shift finishes. Any calls that come in outside that time are yours to handle.
But when you partner with an answering service, your calls are answered for you 24/7. After hours answering means you can enjoy your evenings, weekends and vacations – without having to check your phone. After hours virtual receptionist can provide:
- 24/7 live call answering,
- Appointment scheduling,
- Live chat answering,
- Order taking,
- Call routing and transfer,
- Bilingual services,
and so much more. When your working day comes to an end, you can rest-assured your customers are still being taken care of.
5 benefits of virtual receptionists answering your after hours calls.
1. Increase your business profitability.
Did you know businesses are losing up to $1.6 million in yearly revenue by missing 30% of inbound calls? You might think they’ll try to call again later – but 85% of missed calls will not call back. Answering incoming calls instantly is important.
Think of the extra revenue you could make with after hours call answering!
Customers call during these hours with questions that are mostly urgent or, at the least, genuine. Being there for your customers at this crucial time creates a great impression on your business. Eventually, customers begin to exhibit brand loyalty.
“Life is busy, we all know that. Customers might be working all day, then have to tend to their kids or walk their dog in the evening. And before they know it, it’s 8pm and they’ve still not managed to make that call! When you offer after hours call answering, not only does it take the weight off your shoulders to answer, but more customers will get through to you. Business will grow.”
2. Google reviews about excellent customer service will increase.
Positive reviews drive over 70% of customers towards your business. Dedicated just to handle callers, answering service agents will greet your customers pleasantly and engage them without letting them go to voicemail. They answer your calls within seconds– that means no losing out on business. Even better, that means happy customers leaving happy reviews!
3. Virtual receptionists make a great first impression on new customers.
80% of people prefer to talk to a person by phone rather than a chatbot, email, or voice recording. Calling is a quick way to get in touch. If somebody’s making a call, it directly translates to wanting an answer right away. When you answer that call with a refreshing “Hello”, it just might be the best thing they heard all day.

4. You build long-lasting relationships.
An alarming 75% of callers think it takes too long before they reach a live person on the phone. Imagine how many of them would just give up and leave the call. That’s a lot of lost business. A live answering service helps you with customer retention, allowing you to respond and reassure customers they can call again anytime they have a question. When customers feel heard and valued, they’re motivated to come back again and again.
5. Customer satisfaction increases when they can connect after hours.
Partnering with an after hours answering service comes with many benefits to both you, and your customers. Customers can experience;
- Immediate responses to their phone calls,
- Instant live chat,
- Easy appointment scheduling,
and so much more.
This service enhances your customer service game. Hear from other businesses that have taken the leap, and enjoy the benefits of an after hours call service.
“AnswerConnect has helped our busy office, we do not have to worry about missed calls anymore. They are excellent when they answer, getting all the information we need to be able to call them back. It saves us on the weekends, when real estate is busy!!”
Beth Morrone, Star Real Estate
Try AnswerConnect for after hours answering.
Friendly after hours answering virtual receptionists at AnswerConnect work around the clock so you don’t have to. Every call is an opportunity. With virtual receptionists handling your customer service 24/7, you can ensure you never miss an opportunity.
Want to find out more? Click the button below to book a consultation, or call us at 800-700-8888.