Any business’s success is closely related to its productivity or ability to utilize resources efficiently. Productivity is measured by assessing the inputs – like labor and materials – and the resulting outputs of goods and services.

High productivity indicates that more goods or services are produced with fewer resources, enhancing profitability. The opposite – low productivity – implies that companies are finding it challenging to increase output using existing resources.

Business productivity is crucial for ensuring smooth internal operations and maintaining a competitive edge. Thankfully, various means exist to improve productivity, such as prioritizing growth, effective communication, and employee satisfaction.

Below, we’ll delve into 11 effective strategies for enhancing your business’s productivity. Let’s get started!

Set clear objectives.

Begin by clarifying your business priorities and setting realistic goals. Each objective must be easily measurable to define success clearly. At the same time, your goals should align with the overarching vision of your business. Doing so enables your operation to:

  • Unify the direction of the business,
  • Optimize resource allocation,
  • Foster collaboration and task coordination,
  • Boost employee engagement,
  • Facilitate strategic decision-making, and
  • Cultivate a purpose-driven brand.
hand arranging wood block stacking business

Prioritize tasks and projects.

Prioritize tasks and projects to effectively direct energy and resources, reducing overwhelm and stress from deadlines. Use an approach that focuses on high-impact tasks and helps you stay flexible by regularly reassessing priorities.

To improve productivity through prioritization, you should:

  • Prioritize tasks daily,
  • Consider deadlines and dependencies, and
  • Regularly review and adjust priorities.

Use proven strategies to determine urgency and importance. One such strategy to prioritize tasks is the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks into four quadrants:

  1. Urgent and important: Deadline-driven tasks crucial for long-term goals,
  2. Important but not urgent: Tasks supporting future growth, like innovation,
  3. Urgent but not important: Delegable tasks that allow you to focus on more critical work, and
  4. Neither urgent nor important: Time-wasters that can be eliminated. 

Spend your energy on what matters most using the Eisenhower Matrix to better identify and prioritize tasks.

Read more on how you can prioritize tasks and projects.

Invest in employee training and development.

Ongoing employee training and development can significantly enhance productivity. When done successfully, skill development helps an organization:

employees having a discussion
  • Increase proficiency and efficiency,
  • Adapt to change,
  • Enhance morale and engagement,
  • Improve teamwork, and
  • Demonstrate commitment to employee growth and retention.

But before diving into skills upgrading, you’ll need to identify knowledge gaps.

Determine whether training should focus on hard skills (e.g., social media management) or soft skills (e.g., communication) based on team needs. You’ll then want to personalize the training experience to individual learning styles and specific challenges.

Be sure to include a combination of internal and external training. Internal training could include product knowledge seminars, whereas outside experts could educate staff on specialized skills, like sales strategies. Use various training methods – like e-learning, instructor-led sessions, role-playing, and simulations – to keep learners engaged.

Investing in continuous improvement attracts high performers, shows commitment to your team, and ensures future success.

Embrace technology.

Technology can automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes, enhancing organizational efficiency. 

You’ll make more informed tech solutions by identifying what can be automated and understanding how data flows across organizational platforms. Examples of productivity tools include: 

  • Asana, which streamlines project and task tracking for optimal outcomes,
  • Google Workspace, a facilitator of video conferencing, file sharing, and document collaboration,
  • Notion, which helps manage product roadmaps and meeting notes and includes AI features, and
  • Timely, a task manager that provides progress tracking with reporting capabilities.

But before implementing new technologies in your company, you’ll have to standardize business processes. Define your ideal outcomes, and create process maps to showcase how new technology can integrate into workflows.

You’ll also want to evaluate your change management techniques for the adoption of new tools, and then adequately train your employees. Once you’ve been working with the latest technology for a while, check back in with your team to see how implementation is going.

young serious busy professional business women

Foster open communication.

Transparent communication across an organization allows for the building of trust and accountability. Open communication supports collaboration, improves decision-making, and strengthens business culture.

Utilize clear communication channels to encourage open dialogue amongst team members. Whether it’s a team, project, or town hall meetings, each offers the potential for collaboration. Between these meetings, leverage project management software, an intranet platform, and enterprise social messaging for communication.

Convey messages accurately and efficiently while ensuring a safe space. To help create this environment, train employees to give and receive feedback effectively. Take action on feedback to show commitment to open communication.

Want to find out how you can support collaboration within your business?

group colleagues engaging discussion during business

By investing in feedback tools, you can gather anonymous information from employees and implement changes to improve outcomes.

Implement effective time management techniques.

Time management is integral to business productivity and overall efficiency. To minimize distractions and improve focus, you’ll want to:

  • Create a distraction-free workspace,
  • Set boundaries for focused work time,
  • Avoid digital distractions,
  • Establish a healthy routine, and
  • Use techniques that reduce multitasking.

The following chart outlines several proven time management techniques and tools that assist with establishing better work practices:

TechniqueHow to useBenefit
SMART goalsCreate specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goalsHelps use time wisely and maintain a steady workflow
Time blockingAllocate specific time blocks for tasks like emails, meetings, or projectsAvoids multitasking and maintains focus
Pomodoro TechniqueWork for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break; after four sessions, take a longer breakEnhances engagement and reduces distractions
Task batchingGroup similar tasks together, like content creationReduces cognitive load from task-switching and enhances concentration

Encourage work-life balance.

Work-life balance is crucial for employee well-being and productivity. Burnout, often caused by stress and poor sleep, can hinder concentration and motivation.

Consider offering flexible schedules and hybrid work options to encourage better work-life balance among your staff. Be less concerned with the hours each employee works – work output is more important, after all.

Employees need access to the necessary resources and tools to perform their jobs effectively. When you invest in technology, ongoing training, and a conducive work environment, employees can succeed without frustration or dissatisfaction.

Promote employee health and wellness.

A healthy workforce reduces burnout and boosts efficiency. Prioritizing wellness demonstrates care for employees’ health, reducing stress-related absences and enhancing productivity. Some strategies to support physical and mental well-being and manage stress include:

  • Incorporating physical activities like walking challenges and nutrition seminars and offering perks like discounted gym memberships,
  • Providing resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or mindfulness training to support mental health, and
  • Training employees on stress management techniques and promoting healthy snacks and social connections.

Most importantly, lead by example. Encourage regular breaks using techniques like the Pomodoro method (and take them yourself!). Support employees in managing their workload and offer additional mental health resources when appropriate.

Discover how you can promote employee health and wellness for your business.

female executive doing yoga on desk

Monitor and measure performance.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help you track productivity with measurable and actionable insights. KPIs can identify strengths and weaknesses, guide decision-making, and align team members with your company’s goals.

Data analytics not only measure productivity but also uncovers trends and improvement opportunities. For instance, identifying process bottlenecks can help streamline operations and boost productivity.

To monitor individual and team performance objectively, you must define specific metrics that reflect your business objectives. Establish SMART goals using KPIs with each employee, then track progress. Emphasize business outcomes over the volume of emails or meetings and reward these results.

Tools like Google Drive and Slack facilitate communication and collaboration while showcasing productivity in action.

finger holding a pen and clicking on the tablet screen

Cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement fosters an environment where all employees work to enhance organizational processes. It’s a continuous cycle, repeatedly returning to the planning phase to ensure ongoing evolution and improvement.

There are two types of continuous improvement: incremental and breakthrough. The first, incremental, involves minor adjustments to practices or operations as issues arise. An individual can typically initiate these changes and then share them with the broader team.

Breakthrough improvement is when more significant changes to methods or business practices are necessary. Executing a change during this process usually requires input from a team.

When implementing a culture of continuous improvement, choose a model like PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) to make operational changes.

  • Plan: Identify necessary changes and establish how to achieve improvement goals.
  • Do: Execute the actions identified in the plan.
  • Check: Evaluate the changes made and compare the results with the plan.
  • Act: Learn from the evaluation stage and make further adjustments if needed.

Want to know how you can cultivate a culture of improvement?

team discussing over a project

Utilize agile principles for business productivity.

Agile principles help organizations remain flexible while prioritizing ongoing learning and collaboration. 

Despite being crafted for software development, the principles reflect a mindset on how organizations should carry out business. Agile methodologies promote adaptability and responsiveness by focusing on:

  • Adaptability,
  • Customer satisfaction,
  • Collaboration,
  • Transparency,
  • Team empowerment, and
  • Risk management. 

Agile principles create a dynamic environment where businesses can remain responsive and competitive. You can incorporate an agile mindset yourself by: 

  • Creating cross-functional teams with diverse skills,
  • Breaking down projects into manageable tasks and completing each in short time frames,
  • Holding brief daily meetings to promote transparency and alignment,
  • Leveraging customer or stakeholder feedback on changes, and
  • Empowering teams to innovate and collaborate.
team sitting and discussing

Conclusion: Knowing what to do to improve business productivity.

Enhancing productivity is crucial for improving operations and staying competitive. While challenging, implementing the abovementioned strategies can lead to significant changes and sustained momentum.

For more ways to improve business productivity, check out this blog post!