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Man on the phone providing assistance to a client.

How to improve call handling skills

It is said that if a person has a positive experience with a brand, they’ll tell one friend, but if they have a bad experience, they’ll tell three. And the first...

Terri Phillips
5 min read
A man talking in the phone and doing work

What will work look like post-pandemic?

After nearly a year of “lock-down” and with vaccines arriving, companies are starting to consider what a return to the office will look like. Or, in many cases, if it...

Terri Phillips
4 min read

Answering the influx of calls during a crisis

With the Texas freeze, thousands of people have been without running water, power, or heat. The influx of calls to plumbers and other contractors is creating issues for small businesses.

Terri Phillips
4 min read
A woman with a lot going on inside of her mind.

Can Humans Really Multitask?

Mutitasking, in essence, is... a little different. It's not what we've always believed it to be.

Arpana Sharon
6 min read
A man holds his head, stressed. An artistic tree emerges out of his head, but with tangled branches. He's facing business stress.

Business Stress And How To Handle It

It's time to address the elephant in the room. Learn how to spot the signs of business stress and have an effective work-life balance.

Arpana Sharon
10 min read