If it needs to be painted or stained, our client Fresh Coat Painters can do it. From 125 locations across the country, Fresh Coat handles residential and commercial jobs, interior and exterior. Fresh Coat was founded in 2005, says operations manager Laura Mueller, to fill a need in the painting industry. People needed a way to find an expert painting resource that provides accurate quotes, professional service, and backs up their work. Fresh Coat delivers.

Here’s a sample of Fresh Coat Painters’ work. First, the kitchen before the paint job:

Fresh Coat Painters kitchen before

and after Fresh Coat Painters worked its magic:

Fresh Coat Painters kitchen after

Full service painting

Fresh Coat offers more than just basic painting services. Their residential and commercial painters are screened, bonded, and insured. These expert employees can remove your wallpaper and paint your cabinets, stairway banisters, and windows. They can remove popcorn ceilings and apply epoxy floors.

When it comes to the outside of your house or commercial building, Fresh Coat’s crews can paint the whole exterior, including trim. They’ll also revitalize decks (including sealing, cleaning, staining, and painting) and fences. Need pressure washing? They do that, too.

Besides bringing a full suite of services to the table, Fresh Coat includes premium paint in the firm prices they generate from their state-of-the-art quoting software. The application helps Fresh Coat calculate accurate quotes, so your job is done on time and on budget, the work guaranteed.


Live answering coverage

Partnering with AnswerConnect for live answering service helps Fresh Coat Painters bring professionalism to the painting industry, Mueller says. With the virtual reception service, each Fresh Coat location can make sure its customers can talk with someone live 24/7. This makes it easy for homeowners and business clients to book free, on-site, no obligation quotes at any time of the day.

The integration with appointment-setting software Setmore, Mueller says, is one of the major benefits of working with AnswerConnect for Fresh Coat Painters. The professional quality of the customer experience associates who answer their phones is another important factor. Finally, Mueller says, the ability to track calls with Google Analytics has solidified the partnership.

“Potential customers looking for any service want to be able to talk to someone when they place a phone call,” Mueller says. “AnswerConnect gives our franchise owners the ability to conduct day-to-day business without having to answer the phone to book quotes. This, in turn, has given us more booked quotes by satisfied customers and gives our franchise owners more free time to work on their business.”