24/7 medical office answering service.

Connect with every patient around the
clock with a medical office phone
answering service.

Plans & Pricing
Telephone Answering Service for the Healthcare Industry

What is an answering service for medical offices?

An answering service for medical centers is a service in which a team of live receptionists answer calls on behalf of your practice.

We can take your calls 24/7 to help you capture more leads, screen patients, book appointments, and keep an organized schedule.

Telephone Answering Service for the Healthcare Industry

The top features of a medical office answering service.

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Why it works.

  • Always available

    Always available

    Be there for your prospective customers. Anywhere, anytime.

  • Lead capture

    Capture every lead

    Never miss an opportunity
    when clients call.

  • No voicemail

    No voicemail, no bots

    Win more business with real people, not automated voices.

  • Open for business

    Never closed for business

    Work from home, your office,
    or Anywhere.

  • Return callers

    Know your callers

    We recognize your returning callers for a personalized experience.

  • Manage calls

    Manage your calls

    Busy? Have an important meeting? We’ve got you covered.

The voice (and ears) of your practice.

The best medical answering service is the one that can handle the unique challenges of your practice. Our friendly receptionists are an extension of your medical office.

From lead qualification to live chat support, they combine expertise, efficiency and empathy to support your patients 24/7.

  • 1.Let's talk.

    Tell us about your business, your patients and your goals. We work with you to create call flows to give your patients the best experience.

  • 2.Let us handle your calls.

    Our friendly receptionists engage and interact with your leads and patients, 24/7.

  • 3.Stay up-to-date Anywhere.

    See details of every customer interaction via our app, SMS, or

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Aesthetic blue arc

App features.

  • Mobile app

    See every new engagement.

    See every new message, track usage and follow up on the latest opportunities Anywhere.

  • Desktop portal

    Manage your account.

    Manage your account, customize your scripts and update your plans, anytime.

  • Business phone number

    Separate your personal and business calls.

    Separate your personal and business calls with a personalized business line.

  • Live chat answering

    Convert passive visitors to active customers.

    Convert passive visitors to active customers and capture leads directly through your website with an easy to integrate live chat widget.

Answerconnect mobile app notificationsAnswerconnect portal desktop dashboardBusiness line id phone mockupChatsupport user interface
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No fixed

We know that some months are busier than others, so we don’t
lock you into long contracts. Book a free consultation today to
find out more.

Get my free consultation
Telephone Answering Service for the Healthcare Industry

You’re in good company.

laguna palms orthodontics logoo

AnswerConnect has been vital in the growth of my dental practice as they have been able to schedule new patients on the first phone they make. I would recommend this service without hesitation to anyone.

Nimrat Heir
Laguna Palms Orthodontics.
team west insuranc logo

AnswerConnect is more than an Answering Service - they are truly a business saver! In 8 days they have taken 61 phone calls, scheduled appointments on my Outlook calendar, taken messages and their accuracy is AMAZING! Thanks AnswerConnect! You are the best employee I have ever hired!

Team West Insurance
Aesthetic blue arc

Hear how we sound.

You are listening to Emily!

To hear how we could answer your calls, enter your
details and call us for free.

To hear how we could answer your calls, call us for
free on the number below.

To hear how we could answer your calls, enter your
company name and call us for free.

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy.

We may email, text or call you to follow up. You can opt-out any time.

Demo Call


  • How long does it take to set up a medical support service? Arrow icon

    It can take anywhere between twenty minutes to 24 hours, depending on the features you want. Sign up today to start seeing the benefits of our service tomorrow.

  • What are the recurring charges?Arrow icon

    Our plans are a set amount per month based on the number of minutes you require. If you exceed your minutes, we'll charge you an overage fee per minute. the overage varies based on your plan. Don't worry if you exceed your plan minutes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan every month at no extra cost.

  • How often will I receive an answering service invoice, and how will I know how many minutes I’ve used?Arrow icon

    We send you an invoice every month. Plus, you can check your usage at any time by logging into your online web portal and clicking on the Reports tab. You can also call or email us to talk about your plan.

  • Are you a HIPAA-compliant answering service? Arrow icon

    Yes, you will find a HIPAA-compliant option in your online portal should you need to send messages including sensitive health and medical information.

  • Why should I hire a medical answering service instead of a call center or in-house staff? Arrow icon

    Hiring your own in-house team is an option, but it also tends to be more expensive than an answering service. You also have to account for holidays, sick days, and other interruptions to service. Likewise, hiring a fixed-location call center leaves your service vulnerable to power outages and other disruptions. Our receptionists work in a distributed model, ensuring your service is protected from localized power outages and other disruptions.

Can't find the answer to your question? Call us now: 800-700-8888 or email us at sales@answerconnect.com

See pricing.

Find the right plan for your business

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy. We may email, text or call you to follow up. You can opt-out any time.

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Choose your plan.

Every plan comes with 24/7 coverage and
a suite of powerful services.

  • Entry

    200 minutes

    $350 per month

    + $49.99 setup fee

    • Real people, 24/7
    • Basic scripting
    • CRM integrations
    • Desktop & mobile app
    Sign up

    $2.50 per additional minute

  • Best value badge

    300 minutes

    $395 per month

    No setup fee

    • Real people, 24/7
    • Customizable scripting
    • CRM integrations
    • Desktop & mobile app
    • Live chat support
    Sign up

    $1.85 per additional minute

  • Standard

    400 minutes

    $575 per month

    + $49.99 setup fee

    • Real people, 24/7
    • Customizable scripting
    • CRM integrations
    • Desktop & mobile app
    • Live chat support
    Sign up

    $1.85 per additional minute

|View larger plans
Download pricing PDF download icon

There is no charge for the first 30 interactions under 30 seconds per billing cycle.
All interactions are rounded up to the nearest minute and billed in 1 minute increments.

Mindset book cover


Carol Dweck

Our success is not shaped only by our talents or natural ability, but by our mindset. Personally or professionally, we have the power to make change happen.

AnswerConnect customers have helped us plant

0 000 000 trees!Grow with us >